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Thursday, August 14, 2008


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African Development Dissertation Workshop Program
Site has a collection of tips, samples, and links to help students. The IIS site has Funding Opportunities for Africans and Foreign Nationals.
African Grantmakers' Affinity Group, AGAG
AGAG does not give grants; it is "a membership network of foundations that are currently funding in Africa or are interested in funding in Africa. AGAG was established as a forum for foundations to exchange information and work together." Has a database "information on AGAG MEMBER FOUNDATIONS ONLY and includes the countries eligible for funding and the broad areas for which funding is provided." Jointly published "Making a Difference in Africa: Advice from Experienced Grantmakers" by Rob Buchanan and Jayne Booker (Council on Foundations, 2004, ISBN: 1-932677-20-8). Directory of members. Links to grant-making sources. Based in New York City. [KF]
African Studies Center, Leiden. Master's Thesis Award
"Any final-year student who has completed his/her Master's study with distinction at a university in the Netherlands or in Africa can be awarded the ASC Master's thesis prize and stipend of € 1000 and € 3000 respectively." The thesis, in Dutch, English or French, must be based on independent empirical research related to sub-Saharan Africa and can be in the form of a film, video or CD Rom.
African Women's Cancer Awareness Association, AWCAA
"established in 2004, committed to improving healthcare delivery and services to African women and their families" aimed at African immigrants in the U.S. Offers a scholarship for a U.S. based student (deadline Oct. 20, 2005). Based in Lanham, Maryland, U.S.
American Political Science Association - Funding Opportunities
Has a database of over 200 funding opportunities in political science.
Canadian Association of African Studies
Has a directory of fellowships. Based at Centre d'études de l'Asie de l'Est, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec.
Claude Ake Memorial Awards Program for Young & Mid-Career African Scholars-Activists
"to encourage young and mid-career African scholars-activists to carry out research, reflection and writing about their ideas and activities. The award is intended for Africans, working in Africa, who are engaged in knowledge-based and reality-informed problem solving to address the continent s development challenges, in the tradition of Claude Ake. Administered by the Africa-America Institute, Washington, D.C. [KF]
CODESRIA - Grants, Fellowships, Awards
For scholars in Africa. Includes the CODESRIA Prize for Doctoral Theses.
Council of American Overseas Research Centers (Washington, D.C.)
Offers fellowships for Advanced Multi-Country Research open to US doctoral candidates and scholars who have already earned their PhD in fields in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences and wish to conduct research of regional significance. Fellowships require scholars to conduct research in more than one country, at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center. All applicants must be U.S. citizens.
eduPASS! The SmartStudent Guide to Studying in the USA
"for international students who are thinking about pursuing in the United States." Information on financing college, passposrts and visas, traveling to the U.S., cultural differences, living in the U.S. Submit questions using the "Ask the Advisor" online form. [KF]
In French. "Trouvez en Afrique, en Europe ou en Amérique du Nord, la formation universitaire la mieux adaptée à vos attentes." Information on studying in Africa, Europe, North America, includes scholarship information. The site was founded "par deux anciens élèves de Grandes-Ecoles françaises (Supélec, IEP-Sciences-Po Paris) et par un élève de l'Institut National des Télécommunications (INT Evry),..." Based in Boston, Massachusetts.
Claims to have many sources of scholarship information. But one must first fill out a long questionnaire. Sponsors of the web site include Sprint, the U.S. Army and Navy. Based in North Chicago, Illinois.
Five College African Scholars Program
Program which brings "junior and mid-level African scholars, employed by and teaching in African universities and with active research projects with an African focus, for 5 and 10 month research residencies at Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst." Application deadline is May 15, 2003. [KF]
Ford Foundation
Grant program for organizations. "Most of the foundation’s grant funds are given to organizations. Although it also makes grants to individuals, they are few in number relative to demand and are limited to research, training and other activities related to its program interests."
Foundation Center (New York, N.Y.)
Their database is accessible thru subscription. Their Foundation Finder is a directory of U.S. foundations. Has extensive links to grant information on the internet.
Fulbright Scholar Program
The Fulbright Program, which offers grants to U.S. faculty and professionals and visiting scholars from abroad, is administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES). The program enables "librarians to teach in university library/information science schools or to conduct research." Financial support is also provided by participating governments and by host institutions in the United States and abroad.
Fulbright Student Program
"The webpage for all Fulbright student programs administered by the Institute of International Education including grant/scholarship opportunities for U.S. students and foreign students. The U.S. Student Program is designed to give recent B.S./B.A. graduates, master's and doctoral candidates, and young professionals and artists opportunities for personal development and international experience. Projects may include university course work, independent library or field research, classes in a music conservatory or art school, special projects in the social or life sciences, or a combination."
Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program
"The Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program provides opportunities for qualified educators or administrators at the elementary, secondary, or two- or four-year post-secondary level, to participate in exchanges between the United States and countries around the world."
Global Fund for Women
Provides grants to women's groups in developing countries. "We provide grants of up to $15,000 to women's groups outside the United States." Targets groups working on female human rights, women's access to communications, and economic autonomy. Based in Palo Alto, California. or
Grants Web
Government and private resources, includes resources for Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel. Maintained by the Society of Research Administrators.
[Hamilton] Ruth Simms Hamilton Research Fellowship
For a graduate student at a U.S. university studying the African diaspora. Applicant must have produced an "original, cutting-edge research paper on an aspect of the African Diaspora." Oct. 15, 2005 deadline.
Institute for Education of Women in Africa and the Diaspora - A Selected List of Fellowships, Scholarships, Grants and Other Training Opportunities for African Women Students and Scholars
139 pages, in Adobe pdf and MS Word. Published Dec. 2002.
International Foundation for Science
In English and French. "an NGO providing support to [young, 40 and under] developing country scientists to conduct, in a developing country, relevant and high quality research on the management, use, and conservation of biological resources and their environment." "It has awarded over 2,000 grants in 100 countries since 1974." Research areas are Aquatic Resources, Animal Production, Crop Science, Forestry/Agroforestry, Food Science, Natural Products. Has a directory of grantees, their institution, e-mail and research project. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.
International Student's Guide to Studying and Living in the USA
In ten languages. Includes Financing College, cultural differences, etc.. Maintained by Mark Kantrowitz.
Inter-University Council for East Africa
Has a scholarship program. Applicants must be resident citizens and other residents of Kenya, Tanzania, or Uganda.
Levine, S. Joseph - Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal
Dr. Levine (Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan) guide was "created to provide both instructions on how to write a funding proposal and actual examples of a completed proposal. The Guide is designed as a tool for advanced graduate students and others to learn more about the actual proposal writing process.
National Endowment for Democracy, NED (in Washington, D.C.)
The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program "enables democracy activists, practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world to deepen their understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote democratic change." The Sources of Funding in International Democratic Development Database has "information on philanthropic organizations that provide funding for groups working in the area of international democratic development."
National Endowment for the Humanities
Application forms, guidelines, deadlines. Their e-mail address is: info@neh.fed.us
Neiman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University
"The program is open to mid-career journalists with at least three years of experience. The deadline for applications is January 31 for American journalists, while international applicants have until March 1st."
National University of Ireland, Galway - International Scholarship Programme
"provides....postgraduate scholarships [Masters degrees] for outstanding students from South Africa, Sri Lanka and finance their studies in Ireland." The closing date for applications is 30th June 2007. "Selection criteria will be based on academic merit and financial need." "Awardees will be required to return and give service to their home country for a minimum of 3 years on completion of their post-graduate studies."
New Field Foundation
"New Field Foundation contributes to the creation of a safe and sustainable world by supporting women and their families to overcome poverty, violence, and injustice in their communities." In 2005 are funding 15-20 grants (in French) for initiatives by rural women's nonprofits in Casamance and the Mano River region in West Africa. Based in San Francisco, California. [KF]
New York University. Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service - African Women Public Service Fellowship
"African women study in one of two graduate programs: the two-year Master of Public Administration or the one-year Master of Science in Management of International Public Service Organizations." "Applicants commit to return to their respective home countries at the conclusion of the program..."
Rockefeller Foundation
Has offices in Nairobi and Harare. Has an African regional program. Their Humanities Fellowships support scholars and writers engaged in research on global social and cultural issues relating to diversity, sustainability, and civil society. Also offers Creativity & Culture grants for organizations; past grantees are the African Books Collective, African Publishers Network.
Scholar Rescue Fund
"provides support and safe haven to scholars around the world who are threatened as a result of their academic work." "Academics, scholars and intellectuals from any country and any discipline may apply for fellowships to support temporary visits to institutions in any safe country, in any part of the world." Part of the Institute of International Education, Washington, D.C.
Scholars at Risk Network
"a network of universities, colleges, and research centers to serve as hosts for scholars identified by the program as needing sanctuary outside of their home region." Arranges "temporary positions as visiting professors, researchers, lecturers and fellows for scholars who [are] threatened and unable to work in their home country or region." Has the full text of "International Human Rights Norms and Democracy in Africa: Kenya and Uganda in the 1990s" by Hans Peter Schmitz (1999, 25 pages). Based at New York University, New York, N.Y. [KF]
Social Science Research Council - International Dissertation Field Research Fellowships, IDRF
"provides support for social scientists and humanists conducting dissertation field research in all areas and regions of the world." Provides "support for nine to twelve months in the field, plus travel expenses. Individual awards will be approximately $20,000." "open to full-time graduate students in the humanities and social sciences - regardless of citizenship - enrolled in doctoral programs in the United States."
Stanford University. Humanities Center and the Institute for International Studies - Humanities and International Studies Fellowships
Open to non-U.S. scholars who have faculty appointments at universities outside the United States.Registration deadline is November 30, 2004. The deadline for the completed application is January 14, 2005. Applicants with Ph.D.s awarded on or before September 2001 are eligible for the 2004-2005 competition. Applicants must obtain a letter of nomination from their institution.
Stanford University. Knight Fellowships for Professional Journalists
Six fellowships are normally offered each year to professional journalists from news organizations outside the United States. In general, international applicants must have five years of professional experience. The application deadline each year is March 1, for the term beginning the following September.
United States. Department of State. Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs
Information on the Hubert Humphrey Fellowships, the International Visitor Program, and other programs.
United States. Department of State. Educational Information and Resources
Information for students / post doctoral scholars in Africa or other countries who are interested in studying in the U.S. The page also has information if you are a U.S. citizen and want to study abroad.
University of California at Berkeley. Center for African Studies. Information on Fellowships for African Students
Annotated directory of funding sources for African students studying in the U.S..
University of Wisconsin. Grants Information Center
Information on funding programs for African individuals for research, study, travel, and related activities projects in and outside the United States. See also their Financial Aid for International Scholars in the United States: Internet Sites.
University of Wisconsin. Grants Information Center - Financial Aid for International Students and Scholars for Study or Research in the United States and Abroad
Internet Resources for grants and scholarships.
University Scholarships for South African Students, Inc.
"tax-exempt charitable organization that offers scholarship opportunities to South African students....Since 1990, USSAS has offered scholarships at South African universities and Technikons to more than twelve hundred young African, Coloured, and Indian men and women of South Africa. USSAS now focuses its support on young people who are committed through their studies and community action to the fight against HIV-AIDS in South Africa." Program history. Desmond Tutu is Honorary Advisor. Based in Pelham, Massachusetts.
West African Research Center
Offers fellowships, travel grants, and internships. Based in Dakar, Senegal.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Africa-Related Fellowships at the Wilson Center
Fellowships programs available to Africans and Americans studying Africa. "Unless otherwise noted, all awards are open to citizens of any country." "non-partisan research institution....Offers residential fellowships to international and American scholars and policymakers. Also offers Doctoral Candidate Fellowship for U.S. students working on Africa-related dissertations and several fellowships targeted at African scholars and policymakers." Based in Washington D.C.
Zawadi Africa
"Provides "scholarships and cover startup costs for needy young women from Africa to pursue a higher education in the US." "In 2002, Susan Mboya, daughter of Tom Mboya, created the Zawadi Africa Education Program, a pilot program loosely based on the 1960’s student African Student Airlifts to help young African women to obtain a college education. As with the original airlifts, the program paired US Universities with talented but needy young women from East Africa." Student profiles. Schools involved include Duke, Yale, Smith. Based in Cincinnati, Ohio. [KF]

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